The way of how we project our past, present and future is always related with of how "open mind" we are. The free Divine Energy of the Universe works for us constantly as long as we accept it with our body, mind and soul.
Master Vlad

Home (Russian) . Пирамида, энергия Вселенная,эзотерика, энерго лечение, баланс, душа, сознание, Гиза пирамида, healing energy, pyramid energy, body, mind soul,Master Vlad, Nubitron, DiEnTra System, meditation, relaxation, healing energy pyramid. Massage, healing energy treatment,body, mind soul balance.
My second session in DiEnTra Sysytem. I feel great!
Hi Vladimir
Yesterday was great. I was feeling so sad, after the massage and time I the pyramid I am feeling happy and more focus.
Thank you

Healing energy, pyramid energy, spiritual counselling
My first session with Dientra system at Master Vlad home spiritual center. Hope for the best, believe in miracles, trust your instinct.

Healing energy, pyramid meditation, DiEnTra system, healing energy of the Universe,rejuvenation
Completely relaxed and regain my energy. It is great feeling.
Chris Wells

Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
My first experience with DiEnTra System was great! Relaxed, fresh and ready for life challenges right after session was over. Great feelings. Thank you Vlad

Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation, patient, psych
Hi Vlad,
I very much appreciate our discussion and thank for your time on Sunday. Your perspective and feedback resonated with me. I also wanted to touch on a particular moment during our discussion where I felt a sudden sense of calmness and a heightened sense of things It only lasted a moment and during that instance you immediately noticed the activity in the sphere. I'm looking forward to tapping in to the universal energy and the potential spiritual healing through the dientra system.
Kevin McGarry

Dientra system, healing energy of the Universe, massage, harmony of body, mind and soul, power of Universe, free energy.
My first session inside DiEnTra Sysytem. I feel relaxed and calm. I've make a wish and sent it out there. I hope it will come true.
Thank you Vlad.

DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you Vlad for such wonderful experience at your system. I look forward to see you more often.
Galia ,CA

Transportation relocation protect plan, protection plan, travel service, national transferability, family protection, memorial provider, cemetery, memorial package, low cost service, memorial arrangement, memory. Dientra Sysytem, healing energy, Universe, healing energy treatment, pyramid, vibration, frequency of the Universe
Dear Vlad,
Thank you for such great experience inside DiEnTra System. I relaxed and regain my energy almost instantly. Next morning I felt full of energy and joy for all day long. I love this strong feeling of confidence and power like I am ready to challenge and compete just because I can.
Nalani, CA

Healing energy art, Dientra System, Pyramid power, Divine Energy of the Universe
Brad wrote: "I took the opportunity to become re-energized by Vladimir Dorojinski this afternoon. It was the first time I have felt so released and positive in the longest time. Next time I will include a massage session given by his wonderful partner and wife Natalia."
Brad, CA

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy,DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Tim is enjoying his session inside DiEnTra System. It seems I am more relaxed after session, then before and I feel full of energy as well. Thank you for such a great experience.
Tim, Simi Valley, CA

Pyramid poer in Dientra System. Healing energy treatment. Healing power of the Universe.
Thank you Vlad for your hospitality such an experience to try out your system. It does work like you've describe it. I had those tingling sensations all over my body, especially on my head, then I felt so relaxed and resting...WOW! It is great!
Thanks again
George Simi Valley, CA

Pyramid poer in Dientra System. Healing energy treatment Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you for this experience.
I almost felt into sleep. I was so relaxed and calm like never before. After all day of work it was exctly what I wanted. I regain my energy and I feel like I am ready to work another 12 hours. Thank you, Vlad
Mathew Simi Valley

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy, DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Like minded people are getting together to share ideas, joy and happiness. New revelation of spiritual connections! Body, Mind and Soul balance, harmony of the Universe to all who opened their hearts to accept healing power of the Universe!
Dear Vlad and Natasha!

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy, DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you for such a great time and experience at you home. I've meet wonderful people and found something I would not imagine could exist. Dientra System is very unique invention and, seems, right on time. People need to feel joy, relaxed and connected. Thank you again.

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy, DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you, Vlad, for the opportunity to experience your Dientra System.
I feel relaxed and full of energy even after my long presentation and all day working. It feels wonderful!
I love it, and I would recommend it to all my friends and clients.
Thank you, Vlad!

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy,DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you for introducing me to your System. I feel relaxed and full of energy after the session. It is very powerful and joyful at the same time. I truly believe in healing power of the Universe. All we need is to be able to accept it, with open mind and heart.
I love it...I will come back.

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy,DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you for such great time. I feel relaxed and full of energy, ready to dance, ready to jump like a little kid. I think you found or invented very important system. It will help people to reconnect on the new level. we were born to be happy and joyful, not sad or depressed. Thank you Vlad.

harmony of the Universe, power of healing energy,DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Thank you for introducing me to your wonderful devise. I feel relaxed and full of energy again. You are absolutely right. Dientra should be in every house in USA. People will have less stress and feel connected to each other on spiritual level like never before. I love it!
Carlos, Malibu, CA

Free energy, healing power, pyramid, Dientra system, Nubian pyramid, massage, reiki.
Thank you Master Vlad for such wonderful experience and pleasant feelings during the Dientra healing session. I am reiki practitioner and I work with human energy field on daily bases, so I know the feeling that people experience. I'd like to complement you on your discovery big time! It is sensational feeling, and it is a super powerful energy transmitter you've designed. I felt relaxed and regain my energy after all like never before. Its great!
Kathy, Los Angeles, CA

Free energy, healing power, pyramid, Dientra system, Nubian pyramid, massage, reiki.
Dear Vlad
Thank you for inviting me to your place and giving me the opportunity to experience Dientra System. I believe in healing energy power, and I think you did a great job to prove the benefits of Divine Energy and its existence. During my session I fell pleasant tingling in my body, sleepiness and relaxation. l Noticed that my head got heavier, my arms, shoulders ; the whole body. I enjoyed the experience and I feel full of energy after all.
Cynthia, Los Angeles, CA

Free energy, healing power, pyramid, Dientra system, Nubian pyramid, massage, reiki.
Hello. I just want to share my first experience with Dientra System.
I felt in a deep trance and meditative stage. It seems that my body responded to this energy waves in very positive way. At first I felt sleepy then, after the session my energy level raised up and I felt totally refreshed. I must say it is a powerful devise with good benefits. Thank you Vlad.
Jason, Los Angeles.

DiEnTra, DiEnTra, full body massage, Divine Energy Healing power, Life coach, rejuvenation, reiki massage, cosmic energy
Hi Vlad
I just want to thank you for this new amazing experience with Dientra System I've had at your office. My first reaction was skeptical, but as soon as I sat in the chair I felt it and this feelings of peace and harmony followed with me for the rest of the day. It is fantastic! I am very high per and a bit anxious by nature, but after the session I feel absolutely relaxed and balanced.
Scott, CA

Dean, DiEnTra system, healing power,harmony, meditation
I noticed an amazingly clear energy as soon as I walked into your house... and felt it even more when I sat in the pyramid. My head started to tingle right away and I felt my body start to clear after just a few minutes. Thanks Vladimir for the awesome experience. I want to come back for more.
Dean, Los Angeles, CA

Psychology, healing energy treatment, Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Thank you Vlad for making this system. Your healing energy devise is a brilliant idea and it works! Today, it was my first session, and I could tell that thing bringsnothing, but positive, relaxing energy as soon as you get into the chair. I came over with no expectations of anything, but after the session I felt like I was washed under big shower of positive energy. I hope this feeling will stay with me long, long time. I need it.
Dr. Cathy Hunter, Simi, CA

Healing art, Psychology, healing energy treatment, Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Thank you Vlad for the opportunity to experience the DiEnTra System.
It was my first session, and I already want to come back and feel it again. It was such a great sensations I felt in every cell of my body; vibration, tingling and pleasant relaxation. I felt rested, recharged and full of energy. I am going to come back, and I'll recommend it to all my friends. People deserve to know about your discovery. It is just GREAT!!! Thank you, Master Vlad
Zoey, CA

Divine healing energy.Psychology, healing energy treatment, Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Thank you Master Vlad for introducing me to your system. First time in my life I felt safe and protected as well as peaceful and calm. I took a short nap, like a "day dreaming", while meditating about my childhood and projections to my future life. I felt such a tremendous energy waves covered me and washed away all my fears and doubts. It is amazing feeling.
Thank you Master Vlad.
Jesse, CA

Psychology, healing energy treatment, Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Today was my first session with Dientra System and I felt some what I did not expect, and it was good! I am relaxed now, my worries got away and I feel full of energy. I've had a head ache before I set inside and it is gone now! Thank you Master Vlad, for such unique devise and letting others to have the experience of harmony and peace.

Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation, recharge, free energy
Tammy McCord , Moorpark, CA
Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation, recharge, free energyThank you Master Vlad for such a wonderful experience. I felt so relaxed after session with DiEnTra System. It took my anxiety away almost instantly. I felt great after all and I'd like to continue this treatments and most certainly I will recommend it to all my friends! It does make a huge difference before and after the session.
Thanks again Vlad!
Lori, CA

Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Dear Master Vlad!
I'd like to share my experience with DiEnTra System. As soon as I set in this chair inside the pyramid I felt like a huge wave of energy covered me and washed away all my fear and anxiety. I felt so relaxed, peaceful and calm. I closed my eyes and meditated, trying to picture my self in pleasant environment and almost immediately I've had images of colorful particles flying around me. It was amazing! After all I felt like I regain my energy and I was ready to work another 24 hours. Great feelings.
Thank you Master Vlad
Kathy, CA

Reiki massage, rejuvenation, healing energy treatment, Dientra System, energy vibration, free energy, pyramid energy
Dear Vlad!
It was a pleasure to have this experience with DiEnTra System the other day. I felt great after all, very relaxed and , seems, regained my energy back. I was tired at the beginning. Its like taking a powerful nap without closing your eyes. I have to say that was very unusual feeling and vibration I felt in my body when the session was over. I would love to come again and continue this self exploration. I feel positive and rejuvenated.
Thank you for such great experience.
Debby, CA

Reiki massage, rejuvenation, healing energy treatment, Dientra System, energy vibration, free energy, pyramid energy, ,massage, healing art
I just want to say thank you for such a great opportunity to explore myself. I set in DiEnTra System and almost immediately felt the energy waves floating around me. I closed my eyes and I had very unique experience. I saw my seven chakras aligned and every one of them produced different colorful vibe. It was amazing. After session I felt very relaxed and centered.
Thank you again, Master Vlad
Curt, CA

, harmony, center of chakra, Pyramid alignment, Reiki massage, rejuvenation, healing energy treatment, Dientra System, energy vibration, free energy, pyramid energy
Dear Master Vlad!
Thank you for such a great opportunity to experience this System. I felt so relaxed and calm that I did not even want to move when the session was over . It felt really great! My head ache was gone, neck pain gone too. It's awesome system you invented, Vlad
Thanks again

Psychology, healing energy treatment,Pyramid energy, Power of the Universe, massage therapy, Healing energy, Divine Energy ,relaxation, rejuvenation
Dear Master Vlad,
Thank you for introducing me to your wonderful invention, the DiEnTra System. During my first session I almost immediately felt the energy floating around me. I've got a goose bumps on my forearms! Then my congestion was completely gone, and I felt lighter, like something lifted me up and carried me away... It was such a great feeling of calmness and peacefulness. I would recommend it all my friends.

Daily Horoscope, leo horoscope, love horoscope, free daily reading, Egyptian pyramids, ancient pyramidcustome made pyramid, DiEnTra System, Art therapy, The Egyptians, pyramid meditation,divine energy healing, psychology, Massage full service,massage home service, shiatsu massage, Asian massage,reiki massage, Life coach, spiritual counselor, coach for life,life coaching, mindfullness coaching, los angeles ca,Los angeles county,Ventura county, healing energy, hypno therapy,mood disorder, full body massage, meditation, reiki energy healing, life coach,full body massage, Cultural diversity, God connection, Universe discovery,Divine Energy Healing power, DiEnTra System helps with energy.
Dear Master Vlad!
Thank you for your great service. After the session of reiki massage inside DiEnTra System
I felt calm and peacefully, like I'd never had before. My stress is gone COMPLETELY!!!
It seems, like my whole body washed off in water fall and came back new.
Even my flexibility is different now.
I could do any exercises I want.

Daily Horoscope, leo horoscope, love horoscope, free daily reading, Egyptian pyramids, ancient pyramidcustome made pyramid, DiEnTra System, Art therapy, The Egyptians, pyramid meditation,divine energy healing, psychology, Massage full service,massage home service, shiatsu massage, Asian massage,reiki massage, Life coach, spiritual counselor, coach for life,life coaching, mindfullness coaching, los angeles ca,Los angeles county,Ventura county, healing energy, hypno therapy,mood disorder, full body massage, meditation, reiki energy healing, life coach,full body massage, Cultural diversity, God connection, Universe discovery,Divine Energy Healing power, DiEnTra Reiki massage inside DiEnTra Sysytem, yoga exersices.
I would recommend it to all
my friends in yoga class.
My whole experience with DiEnTra System is very new for me, but I feel like I knew it before, like my muscles remembered those sensations, and it was awaken again.
Thank you, Master Vlad.
Maria, California

Astral Cosmic Future Peace Energy Transmitter Chair Massage Divine Energy Shower Body Mind Soul Human Charge, the Secret, Visualization, Visionary,after life experience, theology, law of Attraction God, massage Naked Energy Yoga kundalini Mindfulness, Chakra, Hindu philosophy, Chicago School of professional Psychology, mental disorder, GAD,palm reader, soul energy, mind power, divine message, astral entrance, energy rejuvenation, cells rejuvenation, damanhur, free spirit,Egyptian Ancient Tradition Brain, Chair Massage, Outcall Massage Acupressure, Acupuncture, Palm Reader, Hallucination, Full Moon Farrar, Cairo, Black Magic, White Magic, Healing Chanting Healers Psychology, Egyptian healers, pyramid healing power, arkatron healing power, transmitting healing power, massage full body video, chair massage, divine energy transmitting, yoga studio in LA, divine power activation, healing energy transmiter,reiki massage, body, mind and soul, spiritual experience, spirituality, Earth energy frequency, radio waive, full body massage, sensual massage, meditation, massage video healingonline horoscope, daily free horoscope, Astrology, divine yoga, astrology, Vlana health, cosmic energy, mind reading, telepathy, reading the mind, the tesla coi, the body, depression symptoms, DiEnTra, medical advise, medical treatment
Don ,West lake, CA
Dear Master Vlad!
I just want to express my deepest regards and respect to you and your magical invention. After 4 session in DiEnTra system my anxiety is diminished to almost nothing!
I sleep well now, and my fear of "what's happened???!!!" is GONE!
I have my friends back, and I can talk to them without any irritation or agitation. I feel fantastic!!!
Thank you for letting me be part of it.
P.S. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult or other professional provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.